Can You Use a Verizon Prepaid Phone on a Regular Plan

  1. Geo_Nexus's Avatar

    So I merely bought one of the prepaid $10 Verizon Prepaid Moto e on blackness Friday. I don't want to employ it as a prepaid telephone then I was wondering if I could take my already active SIM from my Galaxy s4 thats on a regular Verizon programme, and put it in the Moto due east without the phone nonetheless interim equally a prepaid phone, or changing my plan? Anybody know? Thank you!

    11-28-2015 09:12 PM

  2. SpookDroid's Avatar

    Shouldn't be a trouble. You might accept to phone call to register the IMEI of the new phone your SIM card volition be used in, just nowadays that'due south really rare. You should be able to but pop in the SIM menu and showtime using it.

    xi-28-2015 09:57 PM

  3. sulla1965's Avatar

    The rule used to be a prepaid phone had to be active on a prepaid plan for 6 months earlier it could be switched over to postpaid. Don't know if that'southward been changed.

    11-28-2015 xi:22 PM

  4. dpham00's Avatar

    Shouldn't exist a problem. You might accept to phone call to register the IMEI of the new phone your SIM card will be used in, but nowadays that's really rare. You lot should be able to simply pop in the SIM menu and start using it.

    Practise non call. Verizon volition not activate a prepaid phone on a mail paid plan without it existence used in mail service paid for at least half dozen months.

    Notwithstanding you can put in an active Verizon 4GLTE sim carte and information technology will work. I have done this personally for the Moto e 2nd gen. I have also used it on tmobile just that requires a hack

    11-29-2015 12:17 AM

  5. Geo_Nexus's Avatar

    Thanks guys! I put in my active SIM from my s4 today, and its working good.

    Posted via the Android Primal App

    11-29-2015 09:43 AM

  6. sierra513#AC's Avatar

    I took my annotation iv pond a couple of nearly ago and killed information technology. I went to best buy and they sold me a prepaid phone and immediately put it on my regular programme. It worked fine until I bought my note five.

    12-22-2015 01:56 AM

  7. ViolinKnits's Avatar

    I would love to know how they did that. I bought a prepaid phone from Best Purchase and was told I simply needed to put my SIM in it. It didn't work, so I ended up activating it on the cheapest plan. I've used it for a week, and tried my SIM once again. I was able to get text messages, but not send them (even with WiFi).

    Posted via the Android Cardinal App

    01-30-2016 12:55 AM

  8. dpham00's Avatar

    Non sure why it didn't piece of work for you lot myself and many others accept been able to do it simply by popping in an active 4GLTE sim menu

    01-30-2016 eleven:14 AM

  9. Roadrunner430's Avatar

    I would love to know how they did that. I bought a prepaid phone from Best Buy and was told I just needed to put my SIM in it. It didn't piece of work, then I ended up activating it on the cheapest plan. I've used it for a week, and tried my SIM again. I was able to go text messages, but not send them (even with WiFi).

    Posted via the Android Primal App

    The key might be to insert the sim card into the new prepaid device earlier turning information technology on the first time. If you turned it on already before inserting The sim carte du jour, it won't work.

    11-04-2016 11:32 PM

  10. Ry's Avatar

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