Don t Summon Me Again Gif Don Cheadle Captain Planet Gif

Captain Planet
Captain planet 350.jpg
Gender Male person
Race Humanoid
Status Alive
Powers All powers of nature
Super force
First Advent A Hero for Earth
Voices David Coburn

Ricky Berwick (Un-aired)

Captain Planet is the eponymous character of the Goggle box show Captain Planet and the Planeteers.

He is created by the five elements of the Magic Rings Gaia had invented. The elements that are used to create him are Earth, Fire, Current of air, Water, and Heart.


  • 1 Advent
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
  • four Weaknesses and Limitations
  • 5 History
  • 6 Relationships
    • 7.1 Catchphrases
  • viii Trivia
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 References

Advent [ ]

Captain Planet has a long grass-greenish mullet and earthy brown eyes. His skin is crystal blueish, and he wears a wide red collar that covers almost of his chest, nape, and shoulders and has a yellow globe sign on it, red gloves, reddish trunks that have a black chugalug with a gilded buckle on the front, and red boots. Just in his very kickoff appearance, his boots were missing for the first 2 episodes. In the episode 'Future Shock', a futuristic version of Captain Planet appears, sporting the same colour of skin and hair, but his uniform is bluish with red accents, and he speaks in a semi-deeper phonation.

Personality [ ]

Helm Planet has a potent sense of humor and frequently makes puns and comes while taunting the villains. He only really refrains from joking if he's dealing with a serious state of affairs that requires an equally serious demeanour, most notably the episode Heed Pollution that dealt with drug habit. He is too highly donating and is quick to rescue anyone in trouble, including his eco-villain enemies--on numerous occasions, he has saved diverse eco-villains from unsafe situations, and he almost never harms them even when provoked. The major exception was Captain Pollution, who left Planet with little choice just to fight him to the death on both occasions they met.

Much like Gaia, Captain Planet serves equally a mentor to the team. Despite his own enormous power, he repeatedly reminds the Planeteers that their true ability comes from within and they have the potential to succeed even without their rings. In Greenhouse Planet, when he was temporarily stripped of all his powers except Earth and Center (due to Kwame and Ma-Ti existence in outer space and their powers billowy dorsum to him), he practiced what he preached and managed to rescue Wheeler, Linka and Gi through conventional means rather than using his normal ability. In addition, he stresses that the ultimate responsibility of saving the planet rests with the people of Earth, rather than with him.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

Captain Planet's abilities are never conspicuously divers within the evidence, assuasive him to always have a way of defeating his enemy and solving the trouble before him.

  • Transmutation - He tin alter the form of any matter into whatever he wants.
  • Elemental manipulation - he tin control the following elements:
    • Earth Manipulation: he can command all types of soils, stones or crystals or become composed of them.
    • Burn Manipulation: he can command flames or become equanimous of it. He can survive to lava.
    • Ice Manipulation : he tin can control and create ice or become composed of it
    • Water Manipulation: he can control and create h2o or become equanimous of information technology.
    • Air Manipulation: he can generate winds or become composed of it.
      • Flight - he is e'er flying while stopping big pollution issues. It is established that Linka'due south Current of air-power gives Captain Planet the ability to fly.[i]
    • Plant Manipulation: he tin can control and (literally) grow plants or become composed of it.
  • Energy Blast : He can shoot energy blasts of unknown nature from his hands.[2]
  • Super Forcefulness: he can break out of machines and bend metal. He was once strong plenty to lift Zarm's starship and hurl it out of Earth'due south escape velocity.
    • Super Jiff: he can blow big gusts of air current from his mouth.
  • Invulnerability
    • Self-Sustenance: he doesn't need to breath, and probably doesn't need food and water.
  • Telepathy
    • Enviromental Awareness: He seems to have a sense that detects ecology imbalance in the vicinity.
    • Empathy
  • Environmental: Captain Planet have shown a great cognition of ecology and how human being actions can impact environment.
  • Aviation: Helm Planet can pilot the Geo-cruiser.[ane]
  • It is possible that his transmutation power must be directed by scientific knowledge in lodge to create the adequate parts of a gadget; if true, he also accept engineering science skills.

Weaknesses and Limitations [ ]

  • Vulnerability to Pollution: Helm Planet is weakened when he is in contact with pollution, including but not limited to toxic waste, radiation, or smog. The eco-villains frequently accept advantage of this and attempt to neutralize Helm Planet with various pollutants, occasionally succeeding and forcing the Planeteers to endeavour and rescue him. Notably, Duke Nukem (who tin absorb and emit radiation) is particularly unsafe to Planet, who typically has to engage him with caution. It tin can be noted that air based pollution similar smog and aerosols merely tend to incapacitate and crusade him to coughing uncontrollably, but non completely deplete his powers and crusade unconsciousness. Radiation rapidly drains his forcefulness over time and concentrated beams are shown to knock him back, weaken, and cause significant hurting. Liquid based pollutants however are the most effective against him as even the smallest splash on his body completely renders him weak and powerless. Often, when his whole trunk gets coated with pollutants, he either completely loses consciousness or is incapacitated to the point that he cannot even stand up.
  • Vulnerability to extreme evil thoughts: Information technology should also exist noted that Planet's power of empathy (although a strength) tin be a weakness. In an episode where he time travelled to World War II, he got weakened just past looking at Adolf Hitler as he felt his vast prejudice and hate as they are "as toxic as any other pollutant" since they poison the heed, center and soul.
  • Earth Link: Like Gaia, he is bound to the physical realm of Earth. Although he is capable of flying into orbit, he tin't travel away from the planet. Thus, in the aforementioned Greenhouse Planet episode, he was unable to "return to the World" completely as Kwame and Ma-Ti were stranded in space along with their rings. In this weakened form, he had but the Earth Manipulation and Empathy powers, and his peel was rock-gray in colour.
  • Extreme concrete force: Although Captain Planet'due south body is capable of withstanding staggering amounts of concrete force, he is non in fact completely invulnerable. In the season two episode, "The Great Tree Heist", He was sucked upward into the spinning blades of Hoggish Greedly'due south tree grinding flight saucer and was and then badly injured that he dematerialized in a wink of light. Even the Planeteers could not resummon him for a meaning amount of fourth dimension later on, and once they finally did, he was yet severely weakened from his injury.
  • Alien applied science: In the episodes "The conqueror" and "You lot bet your planet", Captain Planet was forcefully summoned without the knowledge of the Planeteers and was held prisoner.
  • Overconfidence: Captain Planet's self and smug attitude often lands him in situations where he severely underestimates his opponents and gets overwhelmed.

History [ ]

Captain Planet's origins and history prior to the show are unknown, but he is conspicuously an ancient entity; Zarm was enlightened of him in The Conquistador, despite having been exiled from Earth for eons. Gaia hints in i episode that the Planeteer rings may take been used, and Captain Planet summoned, in a previous generation. Yet, what is known for sure is that at the beginning of the series, Gaia assembles a modern-day group of young people from several nations to serve as ring-bearers of the five magical rings. When the mod-day Planeteers combine their powers to summon the elemental warrior, this incarnation takes on the appearance of a superhero named "Captain Planet".

The Planeteers first meet Captain Planet in the first episode A Hero for Earth when they are brought to Hope Isle. They must stop Greedly from polluting the earth. Planet defeats Greedly and tells the Planeteers to call him when they come across Greedly again.

Relationships [ ]

Captain Planet rarely has much time to collaborate with the team on a personal level, every bit his primary office is to save the day and return to the rings. Nonetheless, every bit discussed above Captain Planet serves every bit a mentor to all the Planeteers, and appears to encounter himself as a begetter figure to them. He has strong attachments to all the Planeteers and to Gaia and has demonstrated unusual anger when they've been threatened or harmed. In Mind Pollution, when Verminous Skumm succeeded at getting Linka addicted to the drug Bliss, he was peculiarly enraged and noticeably devoid of his trademark sense of humour.

Quotes [ ]

Catchphrases [ ]

  • By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
  • The power is yours!

Trivia [ ]

  • On June 27, 2013, Sony Pictures announced that they were producing a live-activeness picture based on Captain Planet.[3] Little has been heard well-nigh this since, so idea probably got discarded.
  • On October 9, 2017, On October 9, 2017, the Helm and Kwame appeared in a crossover episode with OK G.O.! Allow's Exist Heroes. Coburn and LeVar Burton reprise their roles as the Captain and Kwame respectively.
  • When Helm Planet is summoned, the Planeteer's rings are useless until Captain Planet returns to globe by returning the power.
  • Captain Planet also likes to brand good appearances when he is summoned such as forming from the powers while in the sky, or when the powers zoom down from the sky into the basis Captain Planet will rise emerging from the footing or emerging from the ground underwater.
  • The Planeteers accept summoned Captain Planet past aiming their rings to the sky, at the water or at a vertical altitude.
  • It is impossible to summon Captain Planet if there is too much pollution in the air.
  • He has been held captive by the Conquistador Zarm before without existence summoned. It's unexplained how Captain Planet was captured when he wasn't summoned however past the five rings.
  • When the Tv series was beginning product, actor Tom Prowl was fix for the phonation role but dropped out before he recorded, so the office was passed onto David Coburn.

Gallery [ ]

Add images hither.

References [ ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Greenhouse Planet
  2. A Good Bomb Is Difficult to Find
  3. http://www.denofgeek.usa/movies/helm-planet/142947/sony-developing-captain-planet-film


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