the Black Hiker Funny or Die

What do you tell a hitchhiker with one leg?

Hop in

The hitchhiker

A guy with 3 eyes, one leg, and no arms is hitchhiking. Suddenly a nice English gent pulls over and says "eye, eye, eye, you look 'armless, hop in."

I picked up a hitchhiker.

You gotta when you hit them.

Hitchhiker joke, I picked up a hitchhiker.

One of my black friends told me this, and I didn't know if I should laugh: What do you call a black hitchhiker?


A man is on the side of the road hitchhiking

Two truckers stop and pick him up.
They're driving along and the trucker driving farts. It's completely silent. Then the trucker sitting next to him farts, and it makes no sound at all. The hitchhiker farts, and it's loud enough to shake the whole cab.

Both the truckers turn and yell "virgin!"

Policeman stops car on highway...

Only to see dog behind the wheel with man sitting next to him.
"You can't just let your dog drive your car!" says policeman
"I can't really say anything sir, I'm just an hitchhiker"

What do you call a black hitchhiker?


Hitchhiker joke, What do you call a black hitchhiker?


*Ted stopped on the side of the road after seeing a hitchhiker.*

* **Hitchhiker:** Hello there. Is the city far?
* **Ted:** No.
* **Hitchhiker:** May I get in your car?
* **Ted:** Yes.

*After a couple of hours of driving in silence...*

* **Hitchhiker:** Is the city far?
* **Ted:** Yes, now it is.

I saw a hitchhiker holding a sign that read "HEAVEN"...

...So I ran him over.

What did the British guy say to the hitchhiker with three eyes, one leg, and no arms?

Aye, Aye, Aye! You look 'armless! Hop in!

- Jackie forever

A hitchhiker with 3 eyes, no arms and one leg was standing on the side of the road

An Irish man pulls up and says " eye,eye eye you look armless, why don't you hop on in?"

You can explore hitchhiker thud reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean hitchhiker trucker dad jokes. There are also hitchhiker puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.

I've never picked up a hitchhiker

but not for lack of trying.

A man was driving across country, when suddenly he saw a hitchhiker.

He picked her up and while they were driving the two of them got talking.
"What do you do?", asked the man.
"I'm a witch", said the hitchhiker.
"One of those, spells, potions and turn people into frogs kind of witches?"
"That's the one".
"Oh yeah? Can you show me?"
She started stroking his inner thigh.
Just like that, the man turned into a hotel.

I picked up a hitchhiker last night, and he said "Thanks, but why'd you pick me up? How do you know I'm not a serial killer?"

I said "The chances of picking up a second serial killer would be astronomical!"

Picked up a hitchhiker last night

He said thanks! how do you know i'm not a serial killer though?
I replied the chances of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical

I picked up a hitchhiker the other day...

As he got in my car he said: Thanks for stopping. Aren't you afraid to pick up strangers, though? I could've been a serial killer for all you know

Nah , I said. The odds of two serial killers being in the same car are astronomical

Hitchhiker joke, I picked up a hitchhiker the other day...

The other day I picked up a hitchhiker, he asked "How do you know I'm not a serial killer?"

I said I don't worry about that, the chances of two serial killers being in the same car at once is astronomical!

So I picked up a hitchhiker the other day...

After he got in he turned to me and jokingly said "Thanks, by the way how do you know I'm not a serial killer or something". I replied, "C'mon, the chances of /two/ serial killers being in the same car are astronomical".

One day I picked up a hitchhiker

He said, Sure is nice of you to pick me up. For all you know I could've been a serial killer.
I turned to him and said, The chances of two serial killers in one car are very slim.

I picked up a hitchhiker today...

He said to me, how do you know I'm not a serial killer?

I replied, well, the chance of two of us being in the same car is quite small don't you think?

I travel widely.

It's better than saying I'm a fat hitchhiker.

I took a hitchhiker.

After some time, he asked me:
"Do you take hitchhikers often?"
I nodded my head.
Then he asked: "Aren't you afraid, that one of them will be a serial killer?"
"No, I am not afraid," I answered, "There's only a very small probability, that two serial killers meet in one car."

What's the difference between a deer and a hitchhiker?

i don't know I was going so fast

I picked up a hitchhiker last night. He seemed surprised that I'd pick up a stranger. He asked, "Thanks but why would you pick me up? How would you know I'm not a serial killer?".

I told him the chances of two serial killers in a car would be astronomical.

I saw a hitchhiker with a sign that said heaven

So I hit him.

What do you tell a one-legged hitchhiker?

Hop in!

What's her name?


Where is she going?


I picked up a hitchhiker last night. He seemed surprised I picked up a stranger and asked. Thanks but why'd you pick me up? How do you know I'm not a serial killer?

I told him the chances of two serial killers in one car would be astronomical.

Picked up a hitch-hiker. Seemed like a nice guy

After a few miles, he asked me if I wasn't afraid that he might have Covid. I told him the odds of two people with Covid being in the same car were extremely unlikely.

I picked up a hitchhiker the other day. He said "you're brave, how do you know I'm not a serial killer?"

I said "the chances of two serial killers being in the same car is astronomical"

Picked up a hitchhiker last night.

He asked me "How do you know I'm not a serial killer?"

I responded "Haha! What are the chances there'd be 2 serial killers in 1 car at the same time?"

Five minutes after I'd picked him up the hitchhiker turned to me and asked whether I was at all nervous that he could be a murderer.

"Not at all", I replied. "What are the odds of both of us being killers?"

Two old friends meet on the street one day who haven't seen each other in years...

Tony! Is that you?

Hal! You look terrific! What's your secret?

I hit a hitchhiker late at night three years ago when I was drunk and fled the scene, leaving him for dead.

Um... I meant for looking so young.

Picked up a hitch-hiker.

Seemed like a nice guy.

After a few miles, he asked me if I wasn't afraid that he might be a serial killer?

I told him that the odds of two serial killers being in the same car were extremely unlikely.

I picked up a hitchhiker the other night on the way home from work.

He said "aren't you worried I'm might have been a murderer or something?"

I said, "what's the chances of there being two murderers in the same car at the same time??.

Hitchhiker: Thanks for picking me up, but how do you know I'm not a serial killer?

Driver: Well, what would be the odds of two serial killers in the same car?

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